Where the Magic Happens!

Hello everyone! Today you’re getting a peek at my studio/office. This room serves multiple purposes so I try to keep it as neat and organized as possible at all times. The pictures are from when I first got everything setup and arranged just the way I wanted it. Getting this room together took about three years. I didn’t do it alone though. My lovely mother took a weekend to help me paint. My wonderful husband put together most of the furniture. Okay, well technically he put it all together. But I did help put together the inserts for the Kallax shelves.

Here’s hubby putting together the last part of the room which was the computer desk.

hubby putting together computer desk

Doesn’t he remind you of Al from Home Improvement? Ignore the mess behind him, I was still trying to figure out where everything was going to live.

The first picture below is the view from the door. You can see I have two desks. The larger one is for creating. This is where I do my painting and my bullet journaling.  Eventually I’d like to start creating YouTube videos of everything I do at that desk. The smaller desk is where I do all my computer work. I’m doing online classes for a Bachelor’s Degree in Web Development. Eventually I’ll be looking for a web development job that I can do from home. I like keeping my computer separate from my workspace, otherwise I’d constantly be packing up my laptop and putting away art supplies just to switch from one to the other.

Full room view    Art desk  computer desk

One thing you’ll notice is that as a self-professed “artist” I don’t have any art on my walls. This drives my mother crazy. The only thing I have hanging up is the large wall clock near my art desk. One day. I promise. I will fill these walls, but right now I’m focused on creating art to sell.

Behind the door to the room is a closet. I don’t have any pictures because it’s not as neatly organized as everything else right now. The closet has another grid shelving unit that’s completely filled with yarn for knitting. I also have empty totes, a large portfolio case from my AIP (Art Institute of Pittsburgh) days, canvases, wrapping paper, etc.

For those that are wondering here is a list of the furniture with links:

(note: I did not buy all of this at one time, my setup took 3 years to gather and 1 chair was gift)

And that’s it for the peek into my studio/office. I hope you enjoyed this itty-bitty room tour!


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