About Me

I’m Nichole! I’m a self-taught artist. I tried art school but it just wasn’t for me. After art school I went into IT(Information Technology). I have an Associate’s degree in Network Administration. I worked in tech support for a while and from there moved into technical writing. Exciting stuff, I know. I love technical writing though. I’m currently working towards a Bachelor’s degree in Web Development. I should have that finished May 2019.

But back to the art stuff. I say I’m self-taught, which is mostly true. I learned nothing in art school to further my skills. However my grandmother taught me a lot about painting. She was a renaissance woman. Painter, sculptor, glass etcher, wood worker, quilter, crochet, she did it all. My mother was actually the first person to teach me how to draw. I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from the two most influential, wonderful women in my life and just kind of ran with it.

After high school I didn’t really do much with my art. But wait! You went to art school!? Yep, exactly. Art school ironically turned me off of my art. It took a very long time for me to get back into it. I regret not sticking with it. But here we are and I almost feel like I’m relearning how to do everything. I’ve created this website so that I won’t let my art slide by the wayside. I’d eventually like to sell my art online. Currently I’m only selling at craft shows.

That’s it for now.

Thank you for reading,
